- Canis\ Minor
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Latin names of constellations. 2013.
Latin names of constellations. 2013.
Canis Minor — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Canis minor Nombre Latino Canis minor Abreviatura CMi Genitivo … Wikipedia Español
Canis minor — Canis Ca nis (k[a^] n[i^]s), n.; pl. {Canes} ( n[=e]z). [L., a dog.] (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of carnivorous mammals, of the family {Canid[ae]}, including the dogs and wolves. [1913 Webster] {Canis major} [L., larger dog], a constellation to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Canis Minor — (el perro pequeño) es una de las 88 constelaciones modernas, se dice que representa a uno de los perros siguiendo a Orión, el cazador … Enciclopedia Universal
Canis Minor — Canis Minor, Abkürzung CMi, lateinische Bezeichnung für das Sternbild Kleiner Hund … Universal-Lexikon
Canis Minor — [mī′nər] n. [L, the Lesser Dog] a N constellation near Gemini and Cancer, containing the bright star Procyon; the Lesser Dog … English World dictionary
Canis Minor — Infobox Constellation name = Canis minor abbreviation = CMi genitive = Canis Minoris symbology = the lesser Dog RA = 8 dec= +5 areatotal = 183 arearank = 71st numbermainstars = 2 | numberbfstars = 14 numberstarsplanets = 0 numberbrightstars = 2… … Wikipedia
Canis Minor — Daten des Sternbildes Kleiner Hund Deutscher Name Kleiner Hund Lateinischer Name Canis Minor Lateinischer Genitiv Canis Minoris Lateinische Abkürzung CMi Lage auf Himmelsäquator … Deutsch Wikipedia
Canis Minor — noun Etymology: Latin (genitive Canis Minoris), literally, lesser dog Date: 14th century a constellation to the east of Orion containing Procyon … New Collegiate Dictionary
Canis Minor — /kay nis muy neuhr/, gen. Canis Minoris /kay nis muy nawr is, nohr /. Astron. the Little or Lesser Dog, a small southern constellation west of Orion and south of Gemini, containing the bright star Procyon. [ < L: smaller dog] * * * … Universalium
Canis Minor — /keɪnəs ˈmaɪnə/ (say kaynuhs muynuh) noun (genitive Canis Minoris /maɪˈnɔrəs/ (say muy nawruhs)) a constellation near Orion, in the Northern Hemisphere; contains Procyon, the brightest star in the constellation. Also, the Little Dog. {Latin: the… …
Canis Minor — noun A small winter constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a dog following the hunter Orion. It is most notable for including the eighth brightest star in the night sky, Procyon … Wiktionary